graphic design

Imposter... Maybe

I’ve been a little down on myself lately. Thinking that I’m not good enough and I have no idea what I’m doing and I should just quit. I usually feel this when I start to draw anything. I feel like I’m not creative. Drawing daily has been a real challenge for me. It’s helped in many ways and has really challenged my mental ability to push through doubt and not worry about if what I’m drawing is good or not. There’s freedom in letting go of that and thinking that everything is just practice. Everything is something that will help you learn and grow. I’m still loving drawing graffiti. I’m much better at drawing it than painting, but it took me practice to get where I am in lettering and it will take practice to get better at painting. I think I’m in a good mind set of growing. How can changing your mental state take you from feeling like an imposter to I’m always learning and growing and improving? Can it take you from I can’t do this to I will do this? 



This has been my motto for a very long time! To me it means to choose adventure. Despite fear, or doubt, or people thinking you’re crazy. Choose adventure even when you think that you are crazy! This motto has led me to so many wonderful life experiences. It’s more than just being adventurous or doing cool things. It’s choosing to do something that’s way out of your comfort zone. It’s courage and wisdom. It’s strength and growth. It's always seeking out how to learn how to increase in these things with every opportunity.

I want to use this space to explore what's possible in life and really contribute what wisdom I have while continuing to learn and grow as a designer. Adventure isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes it's full of uncertainty and fear. You have to be able to act in the face of this uncertainty. To move even when you don't know what the consequences will be. Be prepared and plan for everything! I love camping. When I go camping I try to bring everything I possibly can to be prepared for what it takes to be in the woods. The same goes for every adventure. Plan, be prepared, and be ready to take action. So what happens when life throws something your way other than what you planed for? What happens when uncertainty is the only thing you think you can feel? 

I'll give you some of my favorite silly wisdom. "When life hands you lemons, you make wine, then sit back and watch life try to figure out how you did it." This silly saying has a lot of truth to it. When facing the uncertainty of life you must keep your head up and keep pushing. Be creative, be truthful, and be realistic. Don't just take what life gives you at face value. Think deeper and really examine what the possibilities are. You can create anything you have a passion for.

This recently happened to me. I lost my job. I didn't plan for it and I wasn't ready. But instead of falling into despair, I saw an opportunity. The opportunity was to start something that I love. Being creative. Creating art and design. Helping small businesses brand and build themselves. I have a passion for this and I'm really excited to see where this adventure goes. There's going to be set backs and really bad moments, but there's also going to be victories and triumphs. It's slow to start, just like new things that you have to learn, but I will keep growing and adding to the skills that I have. I may not be completely ready. Things aren't going to go perfectly smooth. I'm scared out of my mind half the time, but I'm ready to make my passion happen. It's time to act! For now though it's time to go rock climbing! Go find your adventure!